Imagine Your Story this summer at OFPL! Adults and Teens can participate in Summer Reading by completing a Book Bingo card available on our website octaviafellin.libguides.com/srp2020.
Win by completing a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line! Turn in your card and you’ll be entered into a weekly prize drawing – OR – complete all 25 squares (Blackout) for an even better prize!
Drop off your card inside our OFPL Book Drop or post a photo of your completed card to one of the Library’s social media channels using the hashtag, #OFPLBookBingo2020, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter, @galluplibrary.
Entries must be received by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020. Email bmartin@gallupnm.gov or call 505-863-1291 for more information.