OFPL members of all ages can experience the Big Library Read, the world’s largest digital book club, with a Newbery Award-winning young adult novel.
November 2nd to November 16th
From November 2nd to 16th, booklovers with a valid library card can join thousands of others around the globe by borrowing Darcie Little Badger’s indigenous fantasy novel, A Snake Falls to Earth, from your public library. Card holders may read the ebook and audiobook for free without waiting on the Libby app or by visiting http://nm.lib.overdrive.com.
Readers can then discuss online at https://biglibraryread.com/join-the-discussion/.

New Mexico OverDrive
Libby by OverDrive
Learn more about A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger.
Email bmartin@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.