Job Search Help

Join us on Facebook LIVE @galluplibrary or YouTube at Octavia Fellin Public Library every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. for FREE computer classes.

Wednesday, March 31st at 4:00 p.m.
Job Search Help

Are you looking for a job and not having much luck? Let OFPL staff assist you. We’ll look at tips to make it easier and a site we recommend for safe job searching.

Registration is not required but is available for anyone who wants to participate in the LIVESTREAM course.

Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

Amá (Mother)

Join Octavia Fellin Public Library and special guest Jean Whitehorse at El Morro Theatre on Saturday, November 16th at 6:30 p.m.

Amá is a feature-length documentary that tells an important and untold story: the abuses committed against Native American women by the United States Government during the 1960s and 70s: removed from their families and sent to boarding schools, forced relocation away from their traditional lands and involuntary sterilization.

Filmmaker Lorna Tucker features the testimony of many Native Americans, including three remarkable women who tell their stories including Jean Whitehorse who will be in attendance.

Included is a revealing and rare interview with Dr. Reimart Ravenholt whose population control ideas were the framework for some of the government policies directed at Native American women.

Email or call 505-863-1291 for more information.