Join us every Wednesday at 11:00 AM and Saturday at 2:00 PM at the Children & Youth Library for storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories every week! August is National Water Quality Awareness month and we are learning about water (Navajo: Tó). Ages 0-5.
Octavia Fellin Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.
August 31st at 11:00 AM
Discover the importance of water to life and how to conserve and keep it clean.
August 2022 WEEK 5 FAMILY STORYTIME THEME: Taking Care of Water
Join us in-person at the Children & Youth Library on Fridays at 3:00 PM. Get creative and make your own art using materials found around your home! Courses are geared towards ages 13 years and up.
Octavia Fellin Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.
August 5th at 3:00 PM
Shred your old magazines to create colorful animal art.
Join us at the Children & Youth Library every Thursday at 4:00 PM for family-friendly crafts with step-by-step tutorials for all skill levels and ages.
Octavia Fellin Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.
August 4th at 4:00 PM
Supply kits are available at OFPL on a first-come, first-served basis using the Supply Request Form below.
Join OFPL at the Children & Youth Library every Thursday at 2:00 PM for STREAM workshops and activities for kids and tweens (ages 5-12). STREAM workshops explore topics in Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.
The Octavia Fellin Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.
July 28th at 2:00 PM
Activities promote understanding of the natural world and encourages seeking out answers to questions about the natural world.
Join us every Wednesday at 11:00 AM and Saturday at 2:00 PM at the Children & Youth Library for storytime activities, songs, rhymes, and read-aloud stories every week! This summer we are learning about ocean animals. Ages 0-4.
The Octavia Fellin Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.
Join OFPL at the Children & Youth Library every Tuesday at 3:00 PM for interactive STREAM workshops. STREAM workshops explore topics in Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.
The Octavia Fellin Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.
Join OFPL, the Community Pantry and Hope Garden, and the McKinley Citizen’s Recycling Council for an Earth Day Soirée virtually on Facebook, @galluplibrary, or YouTube for demonstrations and in-person at the Main Library for a film screening April 22nd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
• 9:00 AM – Tree Care: Planting & Pruning (Virtual Workshop) Garden staff will discuss tips, and tricks for planting, maintaining, and promoting a healthy environment for tree growth. Presented by The Community Pantry & Hope Garden.
• 12:00 PM – Recycling 101 (Virtual Workshop) This workshop will discuss basic recycling and the differences between industrial, commercial, and residential recycling. Presented by the McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council.
• 3:00 PM – Paint Pigments from Scratch (Virtual Workshop) OFPL’s Resident Artist will discuss how to turn plants into paint. Presented by Octavia Fellin Public Library.
• 3:00 PM – The Day the Earth Stood Still (In-Person Film Screening) Released in 2008 • 1 hr. 44 mins. • PG-13 An alien from another planet, accompanied by a giant robot, lands on Earth to eradicate the human race because of environmental damage inflicted by mankind on the planet.
Main Library, 115 West Hill Ave.
April 22nd at 3:00 PM
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) Official Trailer (HD). OFPL does not own the rights to this video.
Join OFPL, the Community Pantry and Hope Garden LIVE on Zoom or Facebook @galliplibrary on Friday, March 25th at 4:00 PM. Learn about the benefits of incorporating compost into your garden.
Do you love tea? Celebrate Hot Tea Month by recycling your old tea bags to create unique paintings. Spill the Tea to create unique paintings for your home or as a perfect gift.
Supply kits are available at OFPL on a first-come, first-serve basis using the Supply Request Form.