Creative Corner features creativity freedom to make your own art from various materials that can be found around your homes and/or are inexpensive to purchase. Art courses are for the inner creative geared towards individuals 15 years of age and older.
Tune in this upcoming Monday, June 27th at 4:00 p.m. for a demonstration on abstract painting while learning the basics in oil painting. This is Part One in a multi-series exploring the fundamentals in abstract painting. Part One explores techniques and brand names trusted by our resident artist and will be laying the foundation to our painting. Available through our Facebook page and YouTube channel, search @galluplibrary.
10 Oil Painting Tips for Beginners
Artists have been painting with oil paints for hundreds of years and oil paints continue to be popular worldwide due to their versatility, quality, and color. While getting started with oil painting is fairly easy, there is a little bit more to it than acrylics, since you are working with toxic solvents and mediums and the drying time is much longer. Individual artists who have been painting for a while have their own favorite brands, brushes, palettes, and mediums, but here are some general tips that may be useful to you if you are just starting out with oil paints.