Whipped Body Lotion

Busy day working and taking care of the family? Join us on Facebook @galluplibrary or YouTube at Octavia Fellin Public Library on Monday, March 1st at 12:00 p.m. to make DIY self-care products.

Ingredient list is available below:

Whipped body lotion


• 1/2 c. organic shea butter
• 3 Tbsp. organic coconut oil room temperature
• 1 Tbsp. vitamin E, Jojoba or Argan oil
• 5–6 drops food grade essential oil I suggest lavender, lemon or Frankincense
• Optional: 2 Tbsp. witch hazel


1. Combine everything with a handheld mixer until light and fluffy.
2. Store in an airtight, glass container.

Email jwhitman@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.