Aromatherapy & Essential Oils

Observing Mental Health Awareness Month, join OFPL and Tiffany’s House of Essential Oils on Facebook, @galluplibrary, or YouTube on May 27th at 4:00 PM to discover the benefits of essential oils.

Facebook @galluplibrary
YouTube at Octavia Fellin Public Library

May 27th at 4:00 PM

Emotions are intertwined with our thoughts, feelings, personality, and motivations as well as life experiences. Our emotional health affects how we handle everyday situations and plays a role in our health.

Essential oil samples are available at OFPL on a first-come, first-served basis using the Supply Request Form below.

Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

Aromatherapy Rice Bag

Join OFPL on Facebook, @galluplibrary, or YouTube on Saturday, October 9th at 1:00 PM to make self-care products. Watch our previous self-care workshops on YouTube to boost your mental, emotional, and physical health. The ingredient list is available below:

Aromatherapy Rice Bag

• 100% Cotton Material
• 6 cups rice (uncooked)
• 10-20 drops essential oil
• Needle and thread (or sewing machine)

1. Fold the material into thirds length wise (hot dog style). Cut along each fold to make three strips of material.
2. Cut each strip of material in half again. You should have 6 rectangles.
3. Line up two rectangles on top of each other with the pattern facing in. Sew three sides of the material, leaving one side. Turn the bag right side out.
4. Mix together uncooked rice and 10 drops of essential oils (more or less, depending on how strong you want the scent) and let sit for about 10 minutes so it absorbs. Scoop rice into the bag.
5. Fold the material of the open end inside itself for about inch long. Pinch the ends together and sew it closed.
6. To make the smaller rice pad fold one rectangle in half, but only sew 2 sides. Fill the bag with 1 cup of rice then sew shut.
7. Heat in the microwave for two minutes and check the temperature of the bag before laying it over your neck, shoulders, or other areas that could use relief. You can also freeze it for an aromatherapy ice pack. You can add more oils to the fabric as needed, too!

Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

Concentration & Focus Roller

Join OFPL on Facebook, @galluplibrary or YouTube on Saturday, August 14th at 1:00 PM to make a Concentration & Focus Roller DIY self-care product.

Watch our previous self-care workshops on YouTube to boost your mental, emotional, and physical health. Ingredient list is available below:

Concentration & Focus Roller

• Lavender Essential Oil
• Vetiver Essential Oil
• Cedarwood Essential Oil
• Jojoba Oil (Carrier Oil)
• Roller Bottle

1. Measure out 1 Tbsp or 15 ml for your carrier oil. In our workshop we used Jojoba Oil.
2. Add 15 drops of each essential oil. (Lavender, Vetiver, & Cedarwood).
3. Mix concoction together using a stirrer.
4. Carefully, pour mixture into roller bottle. You may have to use a funnel or squeezable dropper.
5. Put roller bottle top.

• To use simply apply roller bottle to back of the neck and massage into your skin using your hand.
• Lavender helps soothe and reduces stress.
• Vetiver & Cedarwood promote concentration and focus.

Use for work, school, or at home.

Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

Aromatherapy Candles

Busy day working and taking care of the family? Join us on Facebook @galluplibrary or YouTube at Octavia Fellin Public Library on Monday, March 15th at 12:00 p.m. to make DIY self-care products.

Ingredient list is available below:

Aromatherapy Candles


• 6 c. Soy Wax Flakes
• Natural Wicks (Anchors
• 80-120 Drops of Essential Oil (See scent list below)
Other supplies:
• 8 oz. Mason Jars (or jars of choice)
• Stirring Utensil
• Pens or Chopsticks to Secure Wicks


  1. Melt soy wax in a pot over low-medium heat. They should melt fairly easily but turn up the heat slightly if taking more than a few minutes.
  2. Stir
  3. Once melted, add essential oils.
  4. Anchor wicks to the bottom of mason jars.
  5. Tape wick upright to a horizontal chopstick or pen.
  6. Pour the wax into the mason jar and then repeat until all jars are full.
  7. Depending on the size of the mason jars you may have some wax leftover.
  8. Let stand until solid (about 1 hour).
  9. Cut the wick to the desired length.

Scents to Relieve Anxiety:
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Cypress, Frankincense, Hyssop, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange, Peach, Rose, Rose Geranium, and Violet Leaf.

Scents to Ease Depression:
Bergamot, Clary Sage, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Orange, Petitgrain, Rose Geranium, Sandalwood, Tangerine, and Ylang-ylang.

Scents to Improve Memory:
Bay Laurel, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, and Rosemary.

Scents to Invigorate and Overcome Fatigue:
Angelica, Benzoin, Camphor, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove Basil, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lemon, Peppermint, Pine, Sage, and Spiced Apple.

Scents to Deal with Stress, Nervous Tension, and Insomnia:
Bergamot, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cloves, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh, Neroli, Nutmeg, Orange, Petitgrain, Rose, Sandalwood, Sweet Melissa, Valerian, Vanilla, Violet, and Ylang-ylang.

Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.