Sell Online This Holiday Season with e-Commerce Tools

FREE computer classes. Registration is not required but is available for anyone who wants to participate in the live stream course. Completion certificates are available for live stream classes. 


Learn how to sell online as customers kick off this holiday shopping season. We will host a live watch party online for anyone interested.

Email or call 505-863-1291 for more information.

Reach Customers Online with Google (En Español)

FREE computer classes. Registration is not required but is available for anyone who wants to participate in the live stream course. Completion certificates are available for live stream classes. 

Monday, October 12th at 4:00 p.m.

Aprende cómo encontrar tu negocio en línea con Google. Este taller explica cómo funciona el Buscador de Google y cómo puedes mejorar la visibilidad de tu página web a través de la optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO).

Email or call 505-863-1291 for more information.

Grow with Google – LIVE Stream

Spring Into Action with Google’s Insight Tools

This live stream’s content is perfect for business owners in the community who want to discover how consumers are engaging with their website using Google Analytics.

We’ll also introduce a new tool called Market Finder, which can help businesses identify new markets and customers.

Join us live Wednesday, March 11th in the Main Library Meeting Room from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Email or call 505-863-1291 for more information.