Splatter Leaf Painting

Join us on Facebook @galluplibrary or YouTube at Octavia Fellin Public Library every Monday at 4:00 p.m. Create your own art using materials found around your home! Courses are geared towards individuals approximately 15-years of age and older. Supply kits are available at OFPL on a first-come, first-serve basis using the Supply Request Form.

Tune in on Monday, April 5th at 4:00 p.m. to learn how to create a splatter painting using various leaves to create a unique hangable work of art for your home. Made famous in the 20th century by Jackson Pollock.


Email jwhitman@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

Creative Corner – Meditative Drip Painting w/ Acrylics

Creative Corner features creativity freedom to make your own art from various materials that can be found around your homes and/or are inexpensive to purchase. Art courses are for the inner creative geared towards individuals 15 years of age and older.

Tune in this upcoming Monday, June 20th at 4:00 p.m. for a meditative experience using acrylic paints set to calming meditative music. Available through our Facebook page and YouTube channel, search @galluplibrary.

OFPL does not own the rights to the music contained within video.

Drip Painting Definition

The technique of abstract painting exemplified chiefly in the later works of Jackson Pollack and marked by the intricately executed dripping and pouring of the paint on a canvas placed on the floor.

Artist Spotlight

OFPL does not own the rights to any of the following imagery.
Courtesy of other artists. (See accreditation).

Jackson Pollock
Full Fathom Five. Oil on canvas with nails, tacks, buttons, key, coins, cigarettes, matches, etc. 50 7/8 inches by 30 1/8 inches. Circa 1947.
Joshua Whitman
Payson the Pepto. 16 inches. Circa 2020.
Callen Schaub
Effusion. 84 inches by 144 inches. Circa 2020.