Creative Corner – Origami Flextangle

Join us in-person Fridays at the Main Library at 3:00 PM to get creative! Make your own art using material found around your home (ages 13 and up).

Octavia Fellin Public Library
115 West Hill Ave.

October 21st at 3:00 PM

Create a paper puzzle using origami techniques.

Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

Creative Corner – Origami: History & Techniques

Create your own art from various materials found around your home! These courses are geared towards individuals 15 years of age and older. Supply kits are available at OFPL on a first-come, first-serve basis and can be requested below.

Tune in this upcoming Monday, August 10th at 4:00 p.m. for a workshop on the history of Origami and tune in for a demonstration on techniques. Learn how to make cranes, flowers, and more. Available through our Facebook page and YouTube channel, search @galluplibrary.

Email or call 505-863-1291 for more information.

Origami Definition

In Japanese ‘Ori’ means folding and ‘gami’ means paper.

Origami, the ancient Japanese practice of folding paper often a square paper (with a colored side) into decorative shapes and figures without cutting, gluing, taping, or even marking it. It is more than just a visual artform, origami inspires mindfulness and meditation.

Instructions for Origami folds contained within video.